Archive | June, 2012

If ya like em painted up, powdered up, then ya oughta be glad…right?

3 Jun

I think it was Sceeter Davis or Tammy Wynette who sang about changing for her man. Apparently she wasn’t fancy enough to suit his taste. I think it went something like, “if ya like um…painted up, powdered up, then ya oughta be glad, cause your…good girl’s gonna go bad”. My Aunt Jan had this record; one of the old vinyls, and I learned the song because she played it over and over and over. The record…not necessarily the song.

I’ve been thinking about change this week. The makeover kind! I decided to paint an antique cherry vanity because it just isn’t my style anymore and the reaction I got was ninety percent negative. “You cannot ruin that beautiful piece of furniture”, “Turquoise!  Now I know you’re nuts!”…”isn’t that a family piece”… I used paint, not a blow torch! ***huge grin***

This got me thinking about the difference between altering a body part versus altering a piece of furniture.  For instance, when I decided to have a breast reduction a few years ago the reaction was one hundred percent positive.  No one says things like, “but you can’t do that…you have your grandmother’s breasts”. That was the point! My Daddy’s mother was always beautiful to me and I loved having her tiny legs, feet and hands but that chest; not so much.

Some people alter their bodies for shock value and in all honesty I would alter a few more things if I could. “Dear Lord not your Daddy’s nose”.  Yes…this nose!  Since it isn’t in my budget to alter anything other than all this furniture we’re drowning in…if for no other reason than the shock value; which has been quite comical, stay tuned for more turquoise, coral and that funky green that only I seem to adore.